MaxMyTV: Home automation on your TV

Android based MaxMyTV Smart Hub automates your home and Overlays alerts from Sensors, IP camera and Social Media on TV broadcast video.

As we stuff more and more technology into our homes, it becomes clear that we need to simplify and consolidate in our lives. Not by buying less stuff, we’re not barbarians. But rather by buying more stuff that gives us the ability to control all the stuff we buy. Which is where MaxMyTV comes into play.

Essentially, MaxMyTV is inserted between your TV and your cable set-top box, and it gives you the ability to overlay pretty much anything you want over a TV screen. While you can buy products as part of the ecosystem, ranging from smart outlets to WiFi surveillance cameras, you can also sync it up to your other stuff, with the fun part being when you decide to combine activities.


Essentially, MaxMyTV takes the data coming in, whether it’s from your Gmail account or from the camera you’ve got mounted over the front door, and lays it over a TV signal. The value, of course, is that you don’t need to have your laptop open in order to, say, keep track of the reaction on Twitter, or keep an eye on your email, or watch your kids in the backyard. It’s the “second screen” tech types are so hyped up about, without the second screen. And, yes, there’s a QWERTY remote available if you feel the need to participate.

MaxMyTV Smart Hub upgrades your TV to a Home Automation and Social Media Control Center.

The Smart Hub sits between your TV and cable/set box and interacts with MaxMyTV tech gear: Super Sensor , Wireless Power Outlet, Beeper and IP Camera.


MaxMyTV gives you the power to control home sensors and access detailed analytics right from your TV. You can access and control the Smart Hub with the AirMouse Qwerty Remote Control or enjoy access to home automation devices right from your Smartphone. Now any Alerts from Sensors, Video from IP Camera or Social Media conversations can be seen while watching a TV program or LIVE event. All of these features appear as overlays on your current TV viewing so you never miss a moment of your favorite show or the big game!



• MaxMyTV Smart Hub
• Air mouse remote control
• Power-outlet with power-meter
• Super Sensor (Fusion of Presence, Door and temperature sensor)
• Beeper with accelerometer
• IP camera


• Control, Monitor and Automate your Home devices from your TV
• Display/Overlay Alerts and Warnings from Sensors on TV
• Overlay Surveillance camera video over broadcast video
• Review detailed Analytics of your sensors from your TV
• Bring Second Screen Apps to First Screen
• Interact with Live TV shows
• See detailed game stats via a TV overlay
• Keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter and Email from a sidebar on your TV
