Eye protection from electronic devices

Most of us spend a great amount of time daily looking at device screens. Computers, tablets, and smartphones are marvelous for all the access to information, communication, entertainment, and creative opportunities they present.

What’s not so great is we are exposed to much more blue spectrum light from computer, tablet, and smartphone screens with LED (light emitting diode) backlights than we do from other common forms of lighting. The two most immediate concerns with too much blue light exposure are macular degeneration and sleep deprivation. Blue light can also cause general fatigue and eye strain, but let’s focus on the two most significant issues.


Generally, macular degeneration doesn’t occur until people are in the second half of their lives, then it’s referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It will be interesting to learn over time if that disease begins to occur sooner and can be linked directly to computing device blue light exposure. One factor that may contribute to blue light’s association with macular degeneration is that it also suppresses production of the protective pigment melanin. Sleep deprivation can occur because of being over-caffeinated or over-stimulated by what you’ve been watching, whether a game or video.

Electromagnetic Spectrum (Blue Light)

Prevention is better than cure. We all take our vision for granted, but our daily activities do have a long term effects on us and our children’s vision and eye health. Being in a position to maintain good vision and great eye health is always a plus!

Do you use your digital device in the evening or before bed to browse the web or read an e-book? Chances are your sleep is being affected. Imagine being able to sleep with ease and feel energized and ready for your day in the morning.

Because we hold our iPhone’s and iPad’s at a closer distance than TV’s and computers, we’re more likely to encounter eyestrain and fatigue by the end of the day. Keep the same fresh feeling as the morning, in the evening when you’re ready to head home or head out.


Ocushield is a Blue Light screen filter that protects our eyes when we are looking at our digital devices. All modern digital devices produce harmful Blue Light. This short wavelength light is known to cause eye strain and fatigue, as well as to increase the likelihood of eye diseases. It also suppresses the hormone melatonin, disturbing our sleep-wake cycle, and the production of the protective pigment melanin. Ocushield protects your eyes and sleep by cutting out the Blue Light transmittance, but allowing the non-harmful light through the screen to give you clear and normal images.
